Sometimes coming up with a task is the hardest part! Here are 6 story-driven math tasks your students will love!
Story Based 2nd Grade Math Tasks
Skip Counting by 5, 10, 100 to 1000 Task
Skip counting can be a tedious skill, so spice it up with this skip counting by 5, 10, 100 up to 100 task! In this activity, your students work at the Orange You Sweet Orange Factory. The factory offers gift baskets of 5, 10, or 1000 oranges. Each order indicates how many of each basket the customer ordered, and your students need to figure out how many total oranges they need to complete the order.
Reading and Writing Numbers to 1000 using Base-ten Numerals, Number Names, and Expanded Form Task
Reading and writing numbers up to 1000 is a skill that requires practice but is not always the most interesting. In this task, the Aliens of Countaria need your help! They are planning the “Outta This World” Block Party but don’t all speak the same language and their plans are getting lost in translation! They speak Standardraxian (standard form), Base-Tensylvanian (Base-ten), Numerian (number form), and Expandatonian (expanded form). Their communications record has missing numbers; your students will need to fill in the gaps to save the day and help plan their party!
Addition and Subtraction Within 100 Word Problems Involving Length Task
These word problems within 100 involving length tasks will take your students on a treasure-hunting adventure! Your students have discovered Pirate Captain Redbeard’s treasure map! This map has a variety of landmarks, distances, and paths your students can take to find the treasure. Each thin-slice clue gives students a path to take (distances to add) to get to the treasure! After they have completed all the clues, they have questions to answer about the paths they could take. For the check-your-understanding piece, they will take a detour to find various other treasures on the way to the treasure chest!
Partitioning Rectangles Into Rows Task
In this partitioning rectangles task, your students are working at the Brownie Bakery! This bakery sells rectangular trays of brownies and each order has different specifications for how many rows and columns the customer wants their brownies partitioned into. Then, they need to figure out how many total brownies each order has. As they continue they have the extra challenge of knowing only how many total brownies each customer has asked for and they need to figure out how many rows and columns they need. This task includes recording sheets they can draw on and a big brownie tray they can put into a sheet protector they can use to try different combinations of rows and columns.
Measuring the Same Objects Twice Task
The Cube Queen and Popsicle Stick King are renovating a room in their castle. The Queen thinks everything should be measured with cubes, and the King with popsicle sticks. Your students will measure a variety of common classroom objects with both tools and record their findings. As a reflection, your students will consider their experience measuring and decide when it would be best to measure with a smaller or larger object.
Rectangular Arrays Task (Up to 5 Rows and 5 Columns)
Ice cream anyone? In this rectangular array task, your students have a dream of owning an ice cream shop called the Whirl’d of Swirls! However, when starting this business, they start a little smaller. They start with an ice cream car that serves up to three cones at a time. As they complete the orders, they move onto an ice cream truck with up to four cones at a time, and finally the ice cream shop with up to five cones with five scoops each at a time.
You can get the full 2nd Grade Task Bundle with these tasks and more for every math strand here!