Help your student practice counting on and counting from a number other than one with this math center game. This counting-on strategy game is easy to play and encourages students to count on instead of counting from when solving addition problems.
To play this game your students will pick a card and that is their starting number. Then they will roll a dice and count on from the number they picked on the card. They can practice counting and number writing on the recording sheet.
Since the cards show a number, with counters “hidden” in each hand, they will have to visualize the quantity in their heads, or count on to figure out the total!
If your students are not yet ready, they can use counters until they are more comfortable with counting on.
What’s included in this addition game?
- 6 Sets of coded cards so sets don’t get mixed up
- Recording Sheet
- Color and Black and White versions of the cards
What skills will be addressed in this counting-on game?
✅Counting on strategy
✅Number Writing
How to Play
- Pick a card and start with that number
- Roll a die and count on from your first number to get the total
- Record the numbers on the sheet
- You can use higher dice for easy differentiation!
Ideas for use
✅ Math Centers
✅ Review
✅ Intervention
✅ Extra Practice